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Why I created the FABU Family of Philadelphia
The founder of FABU Family.  The reason I started this website is to share my vision with my family.  The African American/Black people of America.  None of my reasons are associated with anti-America rhetoric.  I think our future is what we make of it...as a people.  However, a people need leadership and a concrete "Vision."  There also is a need for knowledge to be accepted and not rejected.  We have to be of one mind, working for the good of all our family.  The family is the building block that holds us together, and insures our future.  

We treat family like it does not matter.  We do not keep our families together, because 70 to 80 percent of our marriages end in divorce.  The children are not protected when families fall apart.  That is why we have iron bars on doors and windows in many of our commuinties.  Children having children without a plan for the future.  Our family is in turmoil, but no one is even talking about the situation.  All we talk about is racism and civil rights.  The men of our family need to understand how to change these circumstances.  We offer the solution in this website.  It is called: renewing the mind, and destorying strong holds of the mind.  Our family needs help, and so does our black owned businesses.

I been in business since 1979, and that is over 30 years.  Therefore, I understand a few things, because of my 32 years of business experience.  I realize black owned businesses need help.  I want to provide that help through this website.  I know first generation black businesses need my help.  I am here for you!

Most black owned businesses experience what is called a (Black Tax):  in its simplest form, is not only paying local, state, and ferderal taxes, but paying for this culture's perception of you.  The perception that black businesses can't render quality work effects your bottom line...Profit.  When I was a contractor and I would go to white neighborhoods to bid a job, and the person has a perception blacks will render poor quality work, it is hard for a black contractor to compete.  Additionally, even when you go to black neighborhoods; the perception is there also.  The white man's ice is a little colder, (syndrome).  It is so pervasive that even when you give someone a price so low that it is impossible to make a profit, some of our people, still will not give you the job.  And sometimes they will go with a price by a whte contractor 3 to 4 times higher than your price.  You can deliver quality job after quality job, and the negative perception follows you to the next situation.  Since you have to charge less for your work, you can not afford to hire the best workers, so the perception has a way of manifesting negative results in your work.  It is hard to finish a job when you know you are being under paid.  When a black man or woman goes into business, they better understand they must pay the "Black Tax," and learn how to deal with the extra cost.  This is a cost and disadvantage white business owners do not have to confront. 

This why I created FABU Family - in order to help black families and businesses.  It is simple.  Our families and businesses need some help.  If not me, who?  If not now, when?  I want to end the neglect of our own selves, by ourselves.  

Founder and friend of the people.    FABU...my brother and sister...FABU

God Bless,

 The Founder  
FABU Family Of Philadelphia
Let's get it all together
FABU...my Brothers and Sisters...FABU