Inner Circle
Join The Family

E-mail: hrapblack@fabufamily.com
What up?  I am H. Rap Black.  I'm bringin blackness to the  website.  Blackness is somethin we have forgotten to address with our voices.  I'm not talkin about radical rap.  I'm rappin about bein black, because that is where it's at.  I'm not talkin about anti-white man rap.  I'm not talkin about money or how I misused  the honey.  I'm not talkin about what happen in the club last night. I'm not rappin about how bad my hood is.  I'm not rappin about, I'm the best on the mike.  

H. Rap Black is bringin it back, I'm talkin about bein black.  I remember the sixties when rap was real.  When rap was a serious conversation.  Now it is no more than sex, durgs, and rock and roll.  In the start of now-a-days rap or hip hop, I thought it was goin to create change with its message, but the message is only about foolish things now.  I know they are gettin fat, but the people are starvin.  They make all that money and piss it away.  Nothin in the ghetto they cry about.  Nothin but a song at the top of the chart.  And some red carpet to walk on.  

But H. Rap Black is bringin it back.  Back to where it was, bein Black.  The energy of real rap is goin to bring it back.  They, into the mean dream walkin along the main stream.  Walkin to the beat of a different drummer.  Now the love of money has them doin things only for the individual...themselves.  What happen to the social contract.  Momma got her house, but nothin else.

H. Rap Black has to bring it back.  There are no rappers rapin about what H. Rap Black is all about.  It's about Blackness, and blackness meanin love thy family.  Many a black has said, "when I get myin, I will give back".  I, H. Rap Black has said it myself.  There is one thing I need to give back.  I want to bring it back to black.  That is black family love.  

How beautiful it would be, and how much love would be, if we would give back.  Let it not be about the haves and the have nots.  Am I my brother's keeper?  The bad son once said.  Walkin hand and hand because one day we shall over come.  The operative word is "we," for you got payed and you can make it rain. Stop makin it rain...in silly places, on silly people.  Make it rain where we can grow something, so all can eat.  Am I my brother's keeper?  

I want to focus, but I don't want to focus alone.  Focus on the things that say somethin about who I am.  Focus on the things that say who we are.  Focus on our relationships to our creator and our relationships with each other.  Just focus on what is real and everlastin.  Focus on why am I here, and what is my purpose.  Focus on why we have a hard time workin together.  Focus on why  we do not focus on things.  Do we have a focus problem?

H. Rap Black is comin down the track, on wheels of steel.  You do not need a ticket, all you need to do is get on board.  Get on board and thank the Lord.  H. Rap Black is bringin it back, bringin it back to black.  Back to black because that is where it's at. 

Black Family Love,   FABU...my brothers and sisters...FABU.

H. Rap Black

Blessing your family is not reverse racism

These are some of the Brothers that contributed to our freedom and better way of life.  They did not all agree on how to get things done, but all of them loved the people.  FABU Family is the representative of their hopes and dreams.  We will bring about their hopes and dreams by working together as a family.  Join FABU Family and our "Vision."  Today!  
FABU Family of Philadelphia
The Family
FABU...my Brothers and Sisters..FABU
Listen To The Voices Of Yesterday!