E-Mail : membership@fabufamily.com
Once FABU Family has enough Members things will change.
People that want to be [movers and shakers] this is your chance
This is a ground floor opportunity. FABU Family is now trying to organize the Philadelphia area into a family with a vision. I am looking for brothers and sisters that understand how great it is being part of the movers and shakers that have the foresight to see how needed a "VISION" is for our future. People that have some faith in the Lord and themselves. People that are not afraid to think for themselves, and think outside the box.
The box that has many African Americans believing we can not do anything together. Believing all things are possible only when some other family holds our hands...and do for us...what we will not do for ourselves.
Family members that will help the poor, by creating training, and jobs. Plus, some leadership that says more than...stay out of trouble.
Nothing is greater than an idea that is within the will of God and its time has come.
Did you know that wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is greater than gold, silver and money?
This is the section FABU Family will show case our movers and shakers that have done something outstanding, and beyond the call of duty. We want to encourage people how we can. Joining the inner circle involves studying to show yourself approved and certified by the Family.
Welcome to the FABU Family Inner Circle
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As an insider you are a vital part of the FABU Family Vision. You can share your passion for black families and businesses. Join us in advocating for the survival of our families and businesses. In other words, please help our future generation...our children. The inner circle is for people that are hungry for change, and thirst for what is right for our people.
. Attend events and receive news about what is going on with Families and Businesses United.
. Work alongside other Insiders to prioritize what's needed for our community.
. Provide your perspective in our special feed back session
If you are not an Insider, your first step to membership begins when you create an insider circle account.
FABU Family of Philadelphia