Inner Circle
Join The Family

E-mail: instructorq@fabufamily.com
Greetings and salutations.  I am Instructor Q. and this is my launch address to this website.  What I plan to bring to the site is the "Word of God."  In a way that we all can agree with.  For it is written...Can two walk together, except they agreed?  The mission of this website is to help African American people come to agreement on what we need to do together as a family.  In order to survive as a people we need to agree and walk together.  I am the instructor that can help bring agreement to the people.  

My job here at FABU Family is to first teach my follwers how to agree.  It is written...ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement.  

This culture speaks of interpretation and opinion as if these two words are deities.  But what have these (two) created other than confusion and disagreement.  We do not walk together and we suffer for it.  Consequently, I will give instruction on how to overcome this situation.  Following the "Word of God" will create for us what we need.  Love, love and more love within our communities.  Instructions on all that we need to know...as a people.  

Instructions on how to understand the Holy Bible.  Instruction on how we know the Bible is true.  Instructions on how to love your husband or wife.  Instruction on how to come together as a family.  Instructions on how to change your life.  Instructions on why Jesus.  You E-mail me and I will give the solution according to the "Word of God." 

I am Instructor Q and I have your answers.  Just give FABU Family, and me a chance to solve your spirtual problems.  Every question has an answer within the Word of God.  

God Bless!   FABU...my brothers and sisters...FABU.

Instructor Q      
You do err not knowing the scripture!
Instructor Q takes on the issue of today.  There are supporters of all the issues we face in today's culture.  The supporters of these issues all think what they say is correct.  But everyone can not be right.  It is impossible.  Therefore, how do we know what is right and what is worng. 

Instructor Q has the answers, and would love to share this knowledge with brothers and sisters that join FABU Family.  How has Instructor Q come to know what is the truth and what is a lie?

He does not buy into the power of interpretation or a right to his opinion. The Word of  God does not need an interpreter, or some foolish opinion.  The Word needs some one to read what is actually written.  If it is written in the Holy Bible...it is the truth!  If it is not written in the Holy Bible...it is not the truth!  It is that simple.  Use this method...and it will be plain and obvious.  Please, E-mail 
Instructor Q! 

With God all things are possible.
FABU Family of Philadelphia
Knowledge is Power