The mission of FABU, also known as Families And Businesses United, is to fight for the righteous minds of African American people, and restore them to the purpose of establishing Almighty God's truth on earth. FABU will create opportunities and jobs for the African American community. We will create these opportunties and jobs by the "VISION" that FABU will bring to life.
The "VISION" we see at FABU is one of us working together as a loving family. Those within the family with much...much will be expected of them. We here at FABU will be about the business of meeting our family members in their homes and businesses, plus churches and social organizations. While meeting with families, we will explain the "VISION" for our success a family.
Our mission is to be the head and not the tail. Our mission is to have the Lord's culture rule our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits. It is promised that if we humble ourselves and turn from our evil ways and put away our false gods of wood and stone, He would hear us in Heaven. When He hears us...the "VISION" of FABU will be possible.
With the "VISION" of FABU our ghettos...will turn into an oasis of brotherly love. Come join the family and let us change Philadelphia...truly into the City of Brotherly Love. It is time to join the FABU Family. "Fabu my brother and sister, Fabu".
Interesting fact: Did you know that 95% of our income is spent with other families?
More about our Vision?
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A people without a vision perish. We are a people.
Interesting fact: About 70 to 80 percent of our marriages end.
Interesting fact: 99% of our businesses fail in the first 5 years.
Therefore, we need a "Vision" as a people. A "Vision" that answers our needs and dreams. A "Vision" that has us as the head and not the tail.
A "Vision" that sees us with an African American business center. A "Vision" that sees us with African American health centers. A "Vision" with a street where black owned retail stores and restaurants exist.
This vision does not exist anywhere in Black American, but we are going to have the first manifestation of the "Vision" here in Philadelphia. All FABU Family needs are people willing to share in our "VISION".
The "Vision" is strengthened by the number of family members that join in the "Vision" of FABU Family.
Come join the family today and share in the African American Vision.