We’d love to hear from you.
We want to know how we can serve you better. Feel free to drop us a note, ask a question about our products, or just say hi. We’ll get back to you right away.
instructorq@fabufamily.com (spirtitual matters)
hrapblack@fabufamily.com (social matters)
drfeelgood@fabufamily.com (health matters)
fabufamily@comcast.net (business matters)
membership@fabufamily.com (joining FABU)
normanraison@fabufamily.com (Founder)
E-mail: membership@fabufamil.com
We want you to share in the "Vision of FABU Family." We have many ways for you to talk to us. We need your input in order to understand what is on the minds of our family members.
FABU Family is not about calling out the government, corporations, or other families...for what they need to do for us. Conversely, we are about calling out our own family, and what we need to do to protect, serve, and prosper our family members.
During the civil rights era we walked together as a family. Rich and poor black people walked hand and hand in order to get our civil rights. It was a time of hardship for the people involved with the movement. Some of our people gave the ultimate...their life. Now we need the rich black man and woman to give back to the people. There is no sign of this giving back by the rich in our communities. There are many black millionaires. If we did not see them on televison...we would not know that they exist.
To whom much is given (rich black TV host, football player, basketball player, movie star, rapper, business man, church member, baseball player, and others)...Much is expected. In other words, come and join the "FABU Family VISION." Where the wealthy and affluent black man or worman can show more than just their home on television. They can show their love for the black community at large.
However, we must first get their attention. Therefore, join FABU Family in all the social media talking about...what we need to do for ourselves. The first step is to come and join the FABU Family. Join today! E-mail us - and follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and blogs.
This consequential conversation will be heard when others join in on the dialogue. Please talk to FABU and others to start the engine and move the people to self-reliance. Thereby, holding everyone responsible for our future...as a people.
God Bless! "FABU...my brothers and sisters...FABU"

Notes To FABU Family
by Norman E. Raison III on 04/20/11
This is a great time for the Family. We are going to start something new. We hope that you will join us.
FABU Family of Philadelphia
FABU...my brothers and sisters...FABU
Let us know what is going on with you! How do you feel about our Vision?