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Family members must want to renew their Minds

The reason we need to renew our minds is because we are dreaming a dream that was created for another family.  The American Dream was created in the minds of European people from England...the Founding Fathers.  My explanation is not meant to cast negative dispersions on the American Dream or its founders.  The dream has worked for millions of individuals, because the dream was and is meant for the individual.  The dream's main focus for individuals:  is a good education, a car and a house with a picket fence.  Originally, we were not participants of the Dream, so we fought to join in on the dream.  However, the dream dose not stress helping anyone other than yourself.  We need more than just help for an individual.  We need help for the whole family.  There are thousands of individuals in our family that have capitalized using the dream, but do not know how to share the Dream's bounty with other family members, and prosper even more.    

That is why we need to have an African American Vision that has provisions for the black poor.  The sharing of resources created by the strongest of our people.  The Holy Father calls on us to share with each other.  The Dream does not have the calling of the Lord on its platform.  I got what I you get yours, if you are not too lazy or dumb.   

A vision is something seen other wise than by ordinary sight.  A vision is a vivid picture created by the imagination.  A vision is the act or power of the imagination.  A vision is unusual wisdom in foreseeing what is going to happen.  A vision is the act or power of seeing.  A vision is created in the mind of an their imagination.    

FABU Family has something seen other wise than by ordinary sight.  We have the vivid picture of an Individual within FABU. Thereby, FABU has the power of imagination.  FABU has the unusual wisdom in foreseeing what is going to happen.  FABU Family is leaded by the calling of our Lord.  We envision helping the black poor as a sign of of our great love and great wisdom.  This Vision is greater than capitalism and its greed demands.  Our struggle together as a family was shared my all, in the time of the struggle.  Now is the time for a vision that demands what our Heavenly Father said, "those who have been given much, much is expected of them." 

The vision starts right here in the City Of Brotherly Love...Philadelphia, PA.  However, the brothers and sisters of this fair city must come and join the FABU Family in this pursuit.  FABU Family can not do anything without the imagination of our people.  In order for the FABU Vision to come to life, it needs our people to hear and increase faith in this Vision.  

We hope this letter encourages our family to want to know more about the Vision of FABU.  Therefore, please e-mail us and start your imagination and faith.  Thank you! brothers and sisters...FABU

Let's bring our Vision into focus
The time is at hand, and it is time for us to come out of our collective sleep.  Because the time is at hand.  

 Now, we have the first Black President of the United States of America.  This is something I thought would not happen in my life time.  White America has ended the debate on race/family.  

I realize the debate will go on, but it is over.  White people no longer believe that they are by nature superior to us...3/5 of a man.  That was the real debate from the beginning.  And for some of us to ask, "is this a racists nation," is silly.  Just substitute the word race with family!  Ask the question, is there a white family advantage in American?

Yes, there is an advantage for white people in America.  FABU Family wants to give an advantage to our own family.  Then the question is, "is that reverse racism?"  No, it is not!  A family should help its family begins at home.  We need to change our thinking on the matter of race/family.  

The time is at Hand!  Brothers and Sisters...FABU
This is the Home of FABU Family of Philadelphia
(AKA) Families and Businesses United Brothers and Sisters...FABU